Set. Show. Support. See.
In many schools, new programs or initiatives are often implemented as a short-term fix to a problem. There is…
Featuring Trevor Bryan and Rich Czyz For educators looking to improve learning for themselves and their students
In many schools, new programs or initiatives are often implemented as a short-term fix to a problem. There is…
My Art Standards Student can engage the creative process. Student can share thinking through conversation and/or work. Student can…
Viewing art can help students to practice several key academic skills. Incorporate Art Viewing with your students to practice…
I’ve been tinkering with the idea of tinkering. This is where my tinkering has led… Beyond teaching literacy and math,…
I grew up believing that art was about self-expression. I see art differently now. Art, I have…
Ten Things I Wish Teachers Knew Joyful engagement is the ultimate goal. Listen more than you talk. Quiet classrooms…
In education we need to worry less about proving that our students are learning and worry more about proving…
Color inside the lines! We’ve all heard it. We’ve probably all said it. But it’s wrong. And we all…
As we build our curriculums we must start seeing them as foundations not ceilings. They must be the…