Device-Free PD
Right now, there are not many professional development opportunities that can happen without a device. Being forced to join…
Featuring Trevor Bryan and Rich Czyz For educators looking to improve learning for themselves and their students
Right now, there are not many professional development opportunities that can happen without a device. Being forced to join…
How do you convince a colleague to take their own time to learn something new? How do get them…
This weekend, I had the opportunity to lead a session on Innovative and Effective PD on a Zoom meeting…
#4OCF is taking a Summer Vacation for two weeks! But don’t worry, we’ll be sharing some of our favorite…
So, how do educators still continue to learn when PD isn’t happening in person? What does Remote PD look…
Are you ready to continue your learning this summer?! Join #4OCF for a Book Study this summer! We will…
Closing schools was necessary. For most educators, it didn’t come as a surprise, but it didn’t hurt any less.…
For years, we have heard the complaints. Not enough….Too much….It could have used some….I could have done without ….…
How do you engage a group of educators in the middle of a pandemic when professional development may (rightfully)…
We’ve all sat through bad PD. But have you ever had to sit through Mediocre PD? There’s just enough…