Tag: Czyz
Asking the Right Questions
When new evaluation models hit New Jersey into 2012, educators all across the state were forced to begin to look…
How Do We Engage Families?
Last Thursday evening, more than 100 people braved the frigid and snowy New Jersey weather to attend our District Family…
Beyond the Worksheet: Engaging Students in Active Learning
Several times a week, I conduct classroom walkthroughs and observations. During each visit, it is important that I see students…
Reflections from Edcamp
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will…
Planning a District Edcamp
Ask yourself this question: What is the best Professional Development session I have ever attended? Think back to all of…
Become the Chief Education Officer (CEO) of Your Classroom
Using lessons from Pixar to help improve your classroom and motivate your students For the past few years, it…