
Testing Season


Testing season is necessary.

At least that’s what they say.

A measure of accountability.

Making sure that educators are doing their job.


And so, we ask our students to sit through multiple days of testing.

The kids who are stressed out.

The ones who don’t test well.

The students who can’t sit still.

Everyone forced to sit for ninety minutes to complete the test.


I’ve seen the kids who struggle to do their best.

Tears have been shed.

Some lose interest after just a few minutes.

A student asks to use the bathroom to avoid the test.


The teacher who has supported students all year long.

Not allowed to help or provide any support at this time.

It’s as if the teacher is supposed to stop caring.


Most importantly though, we administer the tests so that we can hold teachers and students accountable for what is being learned.

And I’ve watched as a student completes the test in just a few minutes.

Forced to prove what he has learned, even though he has no interest.


And yet, the teacher’s evaluation is tied to that student’s performance.

The student fails.

And the teacher fails.


Testing season is necessary.

A measure of accountability.

We must hold the students and teachers accountable.

But I don’t think the student or teacher fails.

I think the failure belongs to someone else.

Or maybe all of us.


Rich (@RACzyz)

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