
What School Needs to Be


We are witnessing the shift.

Some of us don’t realize it but it’s happening.

Schools aren’t going to look the same.

They won’t. They can’t.

Yes, AI is going to be heavily involved. Students will use it for research. Students will use it to learn everything that someone standing in front of a room can teach them. Students will adapt to AI and AI will adapt to them. But what about the teachers?

I don’t think it’s all gloom and doom for educators. I think teachers are still going to be needed. They will need to coach, to motivate, to challenge, to extend, and to push students. But the role isn’t going to look anything like it has in the past. It won’t look anything like it does right now.

We need to start preparing for what school needs to be.

We need to embrace all that AI brings – the good and the bad – and need to prepare our students for what’s to come. We need to show them how to use AI, how to do it ethically and responsibly, and what it can accomplish.

Schools aren’t going to look the same.

They won’t. They can’t.

We need to start preparing for what school needs to be. We need to start now.




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