
Delegate and Elevate


Many of us suffer from being busy. Visible activity, often mistaken for productivity, keeps us trapped. 

Instead, let’s choose inaction. Not laziness but being strategic and deliberate. We are not going to get to every task but everything still needs to get done.

This requires a radical shift. Many of us hoard tasks. “It’s faster if I do it” we say. “No one can do it as well as me.” Just excuses that keep us from growing.

Instead, delegate and elevate. 

It’s not about dumping your responsibilities. It’s more about empowerment. It’s finding the right person for the right job, then trusting them to execute.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable at first. 

Yes, it requires lots of trust. 

Yes, others may do it differently than you. 

And that’s OK.

Stop confusing activity with progress. 

Our true value as leaders lies in letting others do their best work. 

Build a system that thrives without you.

Delegate and elevate. It’s better for everyone involved.




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