
Most Popular Posts of 2019!


2019 was another great year for Four O’Clock Faculty!

Here are our most popular posts of the year:


5 Ways to End Your Day How do students currently end a class period or their day? Is it a blur? Do students accomplish anything, or are they rushed out at the last minute? Try these strategies for ending your day on a more positive note!

The Problem with Lesson Plans What is the one thing missing from lesson plans?

Switch Up Staff Meetings, Volume 4 Stuck with stifling staff meetings or looking for something different to engage adult learners? Try these strategies from Volume 4 or look for more ideas from one, two, and three

A List of Podcasts Some of our favorite Podcasts, both educational and non-educational. If you are a podcast listener, hopefully you’ll find a new one to listen to. If you are not a podcast listener, what are you waiting for?! Check out these podcasts today!

Measuring Smiles What if, when a principal observed a lesson, he or she focused on how many times the kids and the teacher smiled?

Reading Logs How my experience with my own children informed my opinion of reading logs!

#4OCF Summer Camp, Day 2 Guest Stacy Saia shares how a Championship Belt improved PD in her district!

Parent Teacher Conferences The Parent Teacher Conference is one of our biggest opportunities as educators, and unfortunately also one of our most squandered. I’ve seen both teachers and parents who treat parent conferences like a trip to the dentist. It doesn’t have to be that way! 

Lunch for Principals? Do Principals get the chance to eat lunch each day? The answer might surprise you.

A To Don’t List What are the things that you DON’T want to accomplish?


Check back to each week in 2020 for more thoughts and ideas!

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