
Dear Teacher


Dear Teacher,

My child(ren) will walk into your classroom very soon. 

I want to start by saying Thank You! What you will do every day for every child is of the utmost importance. It is a huge responsibility, and I want to say that I appreciate the time and effort you will put into helping my child(ren) (and all of your other students) be successful.

I am a fellow educator. I have always found it difficult to be a parent and separate myself from my role as educator, but I will try my best. Ultimately, I am like every other parent… 

I simply want what’s best for my child(ren).

I want my child(ren) to feel SAFE. Yes, physical safety but also social and emotional safety. I want my child(ren) to want to be in your classroom every day.

I want you to get to know my child(ren). They are wonderfully kind, creative, funny, rambunctious, energetic, passionate, stubborn, caring, and vulnerable. Take the time to understand them and their needs. 

Please don’t make my child(ren) feel like less of a person. No yelling, sarcasm, or mean comments in or out of the classroom. He or she is just a child. They are trying their absolute best. 

Sometimes, expectations need to be modeled because they don’t understand. Be patient and forgiving. Give my child(ren) a fresh start each day. 

Take the time to explain when my child doesn’t understand and the time to stretch his or her thinking when he or she easily understands.

Most of all, please make sure that you take the time to know and care about my child(ren). They are wonderful human beings. They want to learn and engage in their world. They want to continue to love coming to school each day. 

Thank you for your part in making that happen. 


A Parent (who is also an educator)


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