


Are you still sitting through staff meetings that are irrelevant to what you do? Are you still forced to sit through hour-long sessions where an outside presenter talks AT you? Do you still feel as if attending a mandatory Professional Development session in your school or district is akin to a visit to the Dentist?

If so, it’s about time for a change. There is only one way to do professional development if you want it done right.


Do it yourself. Turn the DIY movement into the PDIY movement.

That’s right. PDIY. (Professionally Develop It Yourself)


Do whatever you need to do in order to improve your own professional learning. Do it yourself.

Find a few ROGUE friends and host an App-y Hour.

Meet up with other colleagues at your nearest coffeehouse where some new learning can take place.

Ask your Principal if you can share an idea at your next staff meeting.

Listen to a new podcast to inspire your own learning.


Whatever it is that you need to do, Do It Yourself.






It’s the only way to go.

And RIGHT NOW is the time to go.



Rich (@RACzyz)


For more ideas how to go ROGUE and revolutionize your own professional learning, order a copy of The Four O’Clock Faculty here.

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