
Today is International Professional Development Day!


February 5th is World Nutella Day, and yesterday, February 6th, we celebrated National Frozen Yogurt Day. On February 8th, we will honor those brave enough to get out their diamond shaped, lighter than air, wind defying instruments in one of the coldest months of the year as we celebrate National Kite Flying Day.

You will notice that I have excluded any holidays celebrated today, February 7th. So today, we need to celebrate. And I have amazing reason to celebrate, because today, February 7th, is the book birthday for my latest book, ROGUE Leader: Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control Over Your Own Professional Development Destiny. In addition, I am also declaring today International Professional Development Day! Today is the day that we recognize the importance of PD and how it can change what learning looks like in our schools for teachers and students. We don’t often recognize professional development as the single most important factor that can help us to hone our craft as educators. But, it is.

In fact, we often treat the term professional development as if it is a dirty word in education. It is often said with an air of anger and disgust behind it. Let’s change that perception. Let’s push professional development back to it’s rightful place at the top of every educator’s agenda. Today, let’s celebrate professional development. Let’s collaborate and share and learn from each other. Let’s all discover the ROGUE Leader within!

Click here to pick up your copy of ROGUE Leader: Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control Over Your Own Professional Development Destiny.

Happy International Professional Development Day everyone !

Happy ROGUE Leader Day!




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