
The First Time Slot


Throughout my career, I’ve sat through a lot of interviews. I’ve been on both sides of the table, as both interviewee and interviewer. I know that it is a lot less nerve wracking sitting on the side of the table that gets to ask the questions, instead of trying to answer them.

In the many interviews that I’ve done as an administrator, I can admit one thing. Interviews are exhausting. When you sit through a number of them in a row, hearing very similar answers, and not quite finding the perfect fit, you tend to get a little tired. When you sit through many interviews, even skipping lunch, you can end up fatigued, irritated, and hangry. (Look it up if you are not sure.)

So, my best advice, when thinking about a teaching candidate who is looking to excel during the interview process is simple. Take the first time slot available. If you are first, great. You have a chance to set the tone for the day. Second is good too. You can one up the first candidate, and remain memorable throughout the day. Last time slot? Not so good. Everyone is hungry and wants the day to be over at that point.

Try not to go last (or even second to last)!

Be memorable, be honest and speak from the heart. And always, go for the first time slot available.




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