
March Madness Round 2


For the next two weeks, Four O’Clock Faculty will be taken over by March Madness, Secret Sauce style! Eight strategies from The Secret Sauce: Essential Ingredients for Exceptional Teaching will go head to head until there is one March Madness Champion!

With each vote that you cast, you are put into a drawing to win one of five copies of the book! Vote in each round to increase your chances of winning!

Let’s get to our Round 2 Matchup in the Organization bracket:

Strategy #3: Sub Plans for Students (page 135, The Secret Sauce)

Instead of writing sub plans for the substitute, write your sub plans for your students. Provide students with a list of meaningful activities they should be working on and a list of resources available to help them further their learning. Make sure that students, as well as the substitute have copies of the plans. Writing your plans for students allows them to have a clear expectation as to why they should be taking ownership of their learning.

Strategy #4: Classroom Design Checklist (page 150, The Secret Sauce)

Are you decorating your classroom or designing your classroom? If you are thinking critically about classroom design, you are considering the needs of both students and yourself. You need to think about workflow, what works for you and students, and how the classroom can transition from one activity to the next. Use the classroom design checklist to ensure that you are considering everything!

Which strategy is your favorite? Click here to vote!

Check out #4OCF tomorrow to vote for the next matchup!


Click here to purchase your copy of The Secret Sauce: Essential Ingredients for Exceptional Teaching.


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