A few years ago, Trevor and I started the Four O’Clock Faculty in order to connect with educators looking to improve learning for themselves and their students.
Just a few days ago, about fifty educators showed up in Asbury Park for the first #4OCF Live Event. (Hopefully with many more to come!) They arrived bright and early on a Saturday morning to connect, share, and learn.

As I told the gathered crowd, it’s about finding those who will help you grow. And sometimes that means showing up early on a Saturday morning.
A few Thank You’s are in order:
Thanks to Trevor for his never ending passion and ideas, and for challenging me everyday to be a better educator.

Thanks to Jay Billy for being game to go along, for sharing his passion with all of us, and for his dedication to making the event a successful one.

Thanks to Beth Houf, who flew in just to join us on Saturday, who shared her message of passion and hope with the audience, for her inspiration and practical ideas, and for helping all of us to leave as better educators.

Finally, thanks to all of the educators who showed up, those who took time away from their families on a weekend, those who drove a long way to be there, those who arrived early and stayed late to continue their learning.

Connecting, sharing and learning with all of you helps to make me a better educator.
And for that, all I can say is
Thank you.
Rich (@RACzyz)