My Art Standards
- Student can engage the creative process.
- Student can share thinking through conversation and/or work.
- Student can identify areas of personal interest and/or personal importance and tries to develop artwork around these areas.
- Student explores new concepts, ideas or skills.
- Student can scale projects or works appropriately based on their creative ability, their creative process or working timeframe.
- Student has some sense of their personal creative process and of how they work best.
- Student occasionally moves outside their comfort zone.
- Student can make connections between their artworks and artworks that are contemporary and historic.
- Students can recognize contrasts between their artworks and artworks that are contemporary and historic.
- Student determines which artworks they like or are interested in.
- Student determines which artworks they dislike or are not interested in.
- Student seeks inspiration.
- Student works on skills relevant to their artmaking and works with concepts relevant to their artmaking.
- Student cross-pollinates ideas and concepts.
- Students make lots of work.
- Students demonstrate ability to cope with bad art making days or periods.
- Students explore strategies to find inspiration and or ideas.
- Students find effective ways to solve problems they encounter.
- Students make decisions about their work.
- Student makes art and functions without the teacher.
Trevor (@trevorabryan)