
5 Questions with… Stephanie Frosch

Every week, I am inspired as I connect and share with other educators during the Teach Like A Pirate (#tlap) chat on Monday nights. One of the educators who shares each week and really lives the PIRATE mantra is Stephanie Frosch. I was inspired by a Tweet that Stephanie recently shared that asked teachers to #mindshift their May.

We are honored to have Stephanie share her insight with us this week!

5 Questions with… Stephanie Frosch


  1. What do you most want your students to take with them from your classroom, school or district?

I most want my students to leave with memories of an unforgettable year of experiences made possible from a culture deeply rooted in positive relationships, supported risk-taking, and fun. What I do comes from the heart. I invest an immeasurable and ongoing amount of time and effort in establishing and cultivating rapport with students so that everything else is possible. They will never know all that I do, but as long as joy in learning is what they leave with, it makes it worth every second.


  1. What are the most rewarding and/or the most frustrating aspects of education?

The most rewarding aspect of education is knowing that I’ve not only influenced a child’s life for a year, but that I’ve impacted the world for generations to come. We are the ripple effect in their lives.


  1. What advice would you give to young teachers?

Young teachers: Find your voice, teach with the passion that called you to this rewarding profession, always begin by knowing your students rather than trying to get them to know the content—invest time in relationships first, have fun, read, lead, and Teach Like a PIRATE (by Dave Burgess). Transform education from what it’s been to what students need it to be.


  1. What has influenced your career the most?

My unwavering growth mindset has had immeasurable influence on my career. I seek rather than wait for opportunities. I face fear and obstacles as opportunities to grow. Leaving a successful administrative position to re-enter the classroom has been a powerful experience. Connecting with other educators on Twitter has forever positively altered my career and developed an everlasting network of professional and personal friendships. Reading Teach Like A PIRATE and speaking for Dave Burgess Consulting has allowed me to further share my passion for game changing educational practices.


  1. As an educator, what are you currently focused on?

I’m currently (and forever) focused on getting better. It’s a constant in my pursuit for continuous personal and professional growth. If I’m not growing, I’m stagnant. If I’m stagnant, I’m not helping anyone. My passion is to facilitate the greatness in others—students, staff, parents, and community. When we are working toward a common purpose, magic happens.



Stephanie is a risk-taking educator willing to push the limits on what’s possible.  She is inspired by lessons in leadership, creativity, and exceptional customer service.  Entering her 17th year in education, Stephanie has served as a general education teacher for ten years and a campus administrator for six years in Kaufman, Texas.  She was voted teacher of the year in 2005.  She recently relocated to St. John, USVI and teaches first grade at Gifft Hill School.

Stephanie specializes in creative teaching and innovative leadership practices. She has led staff and district professional development on topics such as Teach Like a PIRATE, customer service, servant leadership, brain-based learning practices, and campus climate and culture.

Stephanie incorporates music, props, kinesthetic movement, technology, images, and hands-on, sensory experiences in her classroom and professional development.  She is influenced by continuous personal and professional growth and finds inspiration from education, business, customer service, and motivational books and speakers.  Stephanie networks with other educators through social media and face-to-face opportunities. She demonstrates a high-energy, unconventional, no excuses approach in the classroom and when leading campus educators.

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