
PD Reflection Prompts from #ROGUELeader


During any given PD session, you might be hit with multiple ideas, strategies, resources, philosophies, methods, and questions. All of it may be useful and beneficial. The problem that we often run into, though, is that teachers don’t have time to process the information. You may be so busy listening and trying not to miss a single kernel of information that you overemphasize the details , and miss the big picture implications for your learning. We might see a reflection strategy used for students where the presenter will ask participants at the end of a session: What is one thing you learned today? The attendees may write down their answers on a sticky note or enter them in a digital ticket. This type of exit activity, however, does not allow the educator to truly reflect on what was learned. 

I would suggest building in a better reflection model as part of your PD session. Give teachers time to reflect throughout the session. Don’t bombard them with information, then squeeze in a reflection question at the end. Try using these prompts throughout any PD session you might be planning.

For additional PD resources and strategies, click here to pick up your copy of ROGUE Leader: Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control Over Your Own Professional Development Destiny.




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