Tag: Motivation
Varying Sighs
I feel like I’ve recently become an expert in deciphering sighs. I’ve seen a lot of them lately. Varying…
The Goldilocks Conundrum
You design with audience in mind. The hope is that you meet the needs of all, realizing that you…
Cognitive Dissonance
This time of year is typically one of the most exciting times of the school year. New students. New…
Giving Up & Letting Go
There’s a fine line between giving up and letting go. Right now, you have to understand the difference. Know…
Business as Normal?
When schools reopen, will we remember everything that was said during this time? Or will we return to business…
Left to Adapt
“Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions.” Rowdy Roddy Piper We’ve all been…
Inner Critic
It will never work. Don’t even think about it. You’ll never be able to climb that mountain. Anybody other…
What a Year
What a year. This school year saw the highest of highs. And the lowest of lows. And now.…
Hope, Love, and Gratitude
Standing in the parking lot of school, I watched as cars approached, and parents got out to retrieve their…