Coloring Goals
Color inside the lines! We’ve all heard it. We’ve probably all said it. But it’s wrong. And we all…
The Device Conundrum
As parents, we may grapple daily with the device conundrum. Do our kids spend too much time on their…
Building Curriculum
As we build our curriculums we must start seeing them as foundations not ceilings. They must be the…
Master Forgetting
What do you do when you don’t have the impact that you wanted to have? What do you do…
Two Islands
Teaching is often categorized as a lonely profession. “Teachers teach on an island,” they say. But that’s…
10 Things I Wish Teachers Knew
I was recently asked what 10 things I wish teachers knew by a friend looking to share the answer…
One of my favorite writers is a guy by the name of Steven Pressfield. He wrote a book titled,…
True North
What is your True North? What does your personal compass tell you? Find True North. Discover what guides you. …
Two Years In
Two years ago, we didn’t know what our blog would become. All we knew was that we enjoyed thinking about…