Category: Czyz
What is this noise?
I have been staring at a whiteboard for the past several days with marker in hand. One of my job…
Learning Lab: 5 Collaboration Strategies for the Math Classroom
Learning Lab serves as an opportunity to attain a specific strategy, lesson idea, or resource for your classroom. Everyday educators…
10 Things To Consider When You Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
10 Things To Consider When You Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed 1. Do I want the…
My Relationship with Books
My relationship with books is complicated. I hate reading except when I love it. I love reading except when I…
Creativity & Encouragement
In their book, Creative Confidence, Tom and David Kelley recount a story told by Sir Ken Robinson of two students…
Is it meaningful? Is it relevant?
A few weeks ago, my children finished their last day of school for the year. They were excited to start…
Six Simple Words.
Six simple words. Each day I start off with these six simple words. Before my children leave for school every…
Reflections from #EdcampLdr Philadelphia 2015
Reflections from #EdcampLdr Philadelphia 2015. 1. @Voxer is a great resource to continue discussions with colleagues and other connected educators!…
Visuals: 5 Ways to Improve Student Voice & Choice
Click here for a PDF version of the visual. By @RACzyz