Category: Czyz
10 Things To Do This Summer!
Attend Edcamp Leadership. On July 11, educators from across the world will join together to participate in #EdcampLdr. The event…
Blurb Yourself
You sit at your desk after a long hard day. You are exhausted from the effort it took to…
Teacher as Creator
Every day it should be our aim to create meaningful experiences for students. Creativity is the key to what will…
Someone Else’s Classroom
The end of the school year always serves as a perfect time for reflection and planning. In fact, many…
Sole Source
Inspired by Seth today. Google has made life rather difficult for teachers. Instead of being the sole source of…
Become a Ninja
Last night, my children and I sat down to watch the new season of American Ninja Warrior. For those…
Balancing the Egg
Have you ever tried to balance an egg? It can be a nearly impossible task. Nearly impossible. But…
Make It Count
Have you ever wondered why a students is not listening? Or not paying attention? Or causing distractions to his…
Turning Mistakes Into Gold
We have heard a great deal about growth mindset and failing forward in education circles. It is important that…